I left my contact information and so far no one from Chumash Casino has contacted me. Next tried to contact the 'entertainment' manager, but 'was not around'. He said he did not know about that but he did not lower the volume.
I informed him that anything over 85 decibels for more than 10 min. So I asked him how many decibels the volume was? He said he had been contracted to play at 103 decibels (that is a measure of loudness), but that he was keeping it at 99 dcs. I mentioned to him I've been a 'trailblazer' making changes with national companies, where originally told 'that's the way it is' and within six months I made them change the 'way it was' to the way it should be.
Looked around and saw the sound 'technician' at the controls, verified that he was controlling the volume and ask him to please lower it as it was too loud. When we went in to dance some, we were greeted by music that was extremely loud.
Was their free two band New Year's Celebration. We went to gamble or should I say 'lose money', but that was not our primary reason for going there that evening.